Day 252 of 365

Banana plane

Banana plane

Red Bull held a Flugtag event on Saturday on the Ottawa River by the Museum of Civilization. 90% + of the colorful entries plummet directly to the water on take off. This Banana boat plane actually glided for several seconds before touching down gently into the water.

Day 251 of 365

251_D01_8800_outnewThe Billings Estate museum hosts theme evenings throughout the year.
Joephine, a member of the Meetup Ottawa photographer group, arranged for models and shooters to converge on the grounds for an action packed evening of ribald debauchery  in the 1920s.
Here, the philanderer gets caught in his shenanigans.

Day 246 of 365

It was motocross weekend at the local Sand Del Lee race track.
After the first race, I had a scad of jump shots – not inspirational after the first few.
The start, however, was exciting with spills & chills.

Day 245 of 365


This gallery contains 4 photos.

Saturday PM – a no rain, low heat, low humidity, no ambition for yard work day. Took a drive eastward, ended up on the islands of Long Sault. Heading home, we saw a sunset, then the Ogdensburg-Prescott bridge near Johnstown. … Continue reading