Day 304 of 365



A beautiful warm, sunny September day. No clouds, not a hint of rain.
Mamman, the spider outside the National Gallery, has an egg sack hanging under her belly. A close up from beneath reveals a sinister Spiderman image.
Gotta love art that keeps you looking.

Day 303 of 365

Jazz at 19

Jazz at 19

Jazz turned 19 today – the legal drinking age in Ontario.
As a culture, we mark events with some kind of celebration or ceremony on a regular basis. Even if there’s no event, we’ll make one up. You know what I mean.

I guess there’s something in the herding instinct that ensures the tribal members keep track of one another through such things. On the other hand, it could be that we just like to party.  😉

Day 302 of 365

Groom's evening out.

Groom’s evening out.

My niece will be getting married at the end of the month.
Here, the father of the bride, his brother & the uncle (me) give last minute advice to the happy groom while the bridal shower goes on.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the support team and the dependent pose for a pre-nuptual shot.


Moms & a dad

Moms & a dad

Emma & co.

Emma & co.


Day 301 of 365

Breaking good

Breaking good

The House of PainT hosted the 10th annual Urban Art Fest under the Dunbar Bridge in Ottawa. Entertaining the folks while the artists did their thing were a number of break dancers.

Adding this as my biggest fan 😉 finds it better than the original posted one.

Break dance

Break dance