Day 352 of 365



Missed last week’s Photojournalism class due to high spirits and good food at the wedding.
The assignment dealt with capturing differences in shooting daylight versus night-light.
Standing at the feet of Samuel Champlain at Nepean Point, looking across the mighty Ottawa, to the government buildings next to the Museum of Civilization (or whatever it is in its reincarnation).



Day 326 of 365

Photojournalism class again.
The challenge – go out to the market area and work on the aspect of color as a cohesive element in producing a photo story.
45 minutes of walking got these images.
I like the 1st one the best – a bunch of happy folk out for an evening on the town. Once your target is relaxed & in a mood, seize the moment.

Day 312 of 365

Flash fill

Flash fill

Started a course geared toward Photojournalism – held at La Petite Mort gallery.
First night, after introductory remarks, dealt with balancing ambient light with flash.
The aim is to provide just enough fill so the viewer cannot tell that flash was used.

The next few postings will highlight our 5 days in Nashville as we attended Dom and Marcus’ wedding.